If I Were a Millionaire - Tag


So, this blog post is all about the 5 things I would do if I became a millionaire (prepare for highly detailed homes and obsessions) - inspired by the lovely Brittany from Hello Bubblegum Blog! I thought this idea was so cute and I just had to do it!!

1. House
Okay, I really have thought this through... I would have a 3 story mansion! It would be right on a mountain side, viewing an entire valley / city / beach. Everything would be electronically controlled, from the turning-on of my shower (through touch-screen buttons!!) to the closing of my garage door, to the heating of my pool... It would have a roof top terrace, too! Umm, I'd have a lovely and well kept GIANT garden, filled with all sorts of pink flowers, with an infinity pool! I'd have a giant bedroom with an ensuite, and the whole top floor would be mine (MWAHAHAHA) and it would be open (if that's the term??) so I can look down onto the first floor! AND! The side facing the valley / city / beach, it would just be made of glass so I can see everything!!

2.  Internet
Nothing would be right without the fastest internet EVER ok.

3. Travel
I would spend a lot of my time travelling. There's something so exciting about travel, meeting new people and discovering new cultures. A MUST!

4. Merch & Online Shopping
Now, I'm a big fan of a lot of really famous people and obviously, when you're really cool and famous you have people that actually want to wear you. I want to wear famous people stuff. And shop online. All the best stuff is online. BUT IT'S ALL SO EXPENSIVE OH MY GOSH

5. People
Self explanatory - I'd pay for things they need and donate to charity often :)

So, what would you do? Do you have goals set for when you become a millionaire, cause, I mean, we totally will, right?

Just a Girl, signing off x
p.s I'm getting a new theme soon ;) I'm really excited!!

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