Can I just say, I really fricking love Brittany! This is my second tag inspired by her, and she made my template! I love this new template so so so much, and I'm so happy she happily dealt with me being a whiny twat and asking for more things. It means so so, SO much!!
So, lately I've been thinking, and I realised that considering this is anonymous, you will never know who I am... Which means I can say whatever I want here and not feel personally judged, which is actually great. Have you ever said something and thought, "Man, I wish I could crawl into a hole and become someone else?" because I sure have and this is exactly what this is like... It's not as if I'm gonna say anything perverted or mean, but I can say embarrassing things and confess things as a whole other person and that feels great!
So, that's the first thing that makes me happy, almost complete anonymity!!
- This awesome anonymous blog *shameless self promo*
- pizza
- swimming - especially the thrill of freezing cold water (which you can find everywhere where I live)
- thinking about kissing boys
- that weird feeling after you wake up; you're not completely awake and you're kinda in a dreamy state but you know you're awake
- playing like a child again
- Barbie Life in the DreamHouse
- chocolate
- pink sunsets
- when people message me out of the blue
- staying home for school
- cancelling plans you didn't want to do anyway
- the feeling after you sneeze
- swirly and twirly dresses
- Sims
- my favourite bra
- naps
- peeing after you've been busting for ages
- lighting matches
- lighting candles
- cleaning my room after it's been really messy
- playing the Mario franchise
- seeing a sight that would be really awesome to take a photo of
- taking photos of unnecessary things
- when my OTP does something really cute (that always happens I swear to GOD they're a thing)
- pastel pink
- everything Japanese (I'm a giant fucking weeaboo I can tell. you. fucking. that. I want to be Japanese with a passion so incredible it hurts, I was cursed with an Australian fate)
- PicCollage
- PhotoShop
- anime
- watermelon
- mango
- afternoons plays on the street
- sweets
- crumpets
- bonfires
- night
- more importantly, being outside and awake and alive at night
- my friends
- wearing underwear that fits really well and feels really nice
- eating when you're starving
- cities
- rain
- storms
- playing with tiny animals
- blowing out a flame
- listening to music with earphones
- bus rides where I can pretend I'm a sad person and stare out the window
- seeing a picture so beautiful it takes your breath away
- writing a nice story
- having people enjoy said story
- the beach
- shaving my legs
- cute boys
- time lapses
- the feeling of not being sick anymore
- caring for someone who's hurt
- eating things with spoons
- doing nothing all day
- staying in pyjamas
- hugs
- imagining my first kiss
- baking
- baking for people
- talking to people online
- writing nice little messages in public places with a permanent marker
- wearing my favourite shirt
- wearing my hair out
- eating with chopsticks
- talking to my crush
- holding competitions between friends (like holding your breath and staring)
- making up dances
- gymnastics
- hugging my stuffed toys
- playing with dollies and said stuffed toys
- crafts
- stupid teen/tween drama tv shows
- school yard drama
- gossip
- pretty woods
- spraying perfume
- sleepovers with my best friends
- dressing up and having runways
- putting on silly make up
- putting on classy make up (which is mascara and concealer for me...)
- shopping
- clear umbrellas
- tiny mysteries
- seeing things people collect and the stories behind them
- little kids and babies
- doll houses
- acting
- dance parties
- stickers
- decorating my wall with things I like
- flowers when they fall from trees
- windy and cold winter days
- fairy lights
- secrets
- blogging
I really hope you actually bothered to read all of these...
Well, what do you like, and what makes you happy? Create a list and let me see!
Just a Girl, signing off x