100 Things That Make Me Happy ~


Can I just say, I really fricking love Brittany! This is my second tag inspired by her, and she made my template! I love this new template so so so much, and I'm so happy she happily dealt with me being a whiny twat and asking for more things. It means so so, SO much!!

So, lately I've been thinking, and I realised that considering this is anonymous, you will never know who I am... Which means I can say whatever I want here and not feel personally judged, which is actually great. Have you ever said something and thought, "Man, I wish I could crawl into a hole and become someone else?" because I sure have and this is exactly what this is like... It's not as if I'm gonna say anything perverted or mean, but I can say embarrassing things and confess things as a whole other person and that feels great!

So, that's the first thing that makes me happy, almost complete anonymity!!

  1. This awesome anonymous blog *shameless self promo*
  2. pizza
  3. swimming - especially the thrill of freezing cold water (which you can find everywhere where I live)
  4. thinking about kissing boys
  5. that weird feeling after you wake up; you're not completely awake and you're kinda in a dreamy state but you know you're awake
  6. playing like a child again
  7. Barbie Life in the DreamHouse
  8. chocolate
  9. pink sunsets
  10. when people message me out of the blue
  11. staying home for school
  12. cancelling plans you didn't want to do anyway
  13. the feeling after you sneeze
  14. swirly and twirly dresses
  15. Sims
  16. my favourite bra
  17. naps
  18. peeing after you've been busting for ages
  19. lighting matches
  20. lighting candles
  21. cleaning my room after it's been really messy
  22. playing the Mario franchise
  23. seeing a sight that would be really awesome to take a photo of
  24. taking photos of unnecessary things
  25. when my OTP does something really cute (that always happens I swear to GOD they're a thing)
  26. pastel pink
  27. everything Japanese (I'm a giant fucking weeaboo I can tell. you. fucking. that. I want to be Japanese with a passion so incredible it hurts, I was cursed with an Australian fate)
  28. PicCollage
  29. PhotoShop
  30. anime
  31. watermelon
  32. mango
  33. afternoons plays on the street
  34. sweets
  35. crumpets
  36. bonfires
  37. night
  38. more importantly, being outside and awake and alive at night
  39. my friends
  40. wearing underwear that fits really well and feels really nice
  41. eating when you're starving
  42. cities
  43. rain
  44. storms
  45. playing with tiny animals
  46. blowing out a flame
  47. listening to music with earphones
  48. bus rides where I can pretend I'm a sad person and stare out the window
  49. seeing a picture so beautiful it takes your breath away
  50. writing a nice story
  51. having people enjoy said story
  52. the beach
  53. shaving my legs
  54. cute boys
  55. time lapses
  56. the feeling of not being sick anymore
  57. caring for someone who's hurt
  58. eating things with spoons
  59. doing nothing all day
  60. staying in pyjamas
  61. hugs
  62. imagining my first kiss
  63. baking
  64. baking for people
  65. talking to people online
  66. writing nice little messages in public places with a permanent marker
  67. wearing my favourite shirt
  68. wearing my hair out
  69. eating with chopsticks
  70. talking to my crush
  71. holding competitions between friends (like holding your breath and staring)
  72. making up dances
  73. gymnastics
  74. hugging my stuffed toys
  75. playing with dollies and said stuffed toys
  76. crafts
  77. stupid teen/tween drama tv shows
  78. school yard drama
  79. gossip
  80. pretty woods
  81. spraying perfume
  82. sleepovers with my best friends
  83. dressing up and having runways
  84. putting on silly make up
  85. putting on classy make up (which is mascara and concealer for me...)
  86. shopping
  87. clear umbrellas
  88. tiny mysteries
  89. seeing things people collect and the stories behind them
  90. little kids and babies
  91. doll houses
  92. acting
  93. dance parties
  94. stickers
  95. decorating my wall with things I like
  96. flowers when they fall from trees
  97. windy and cold winter days
  98. fairy lights
  99. secrets
  100. blogging
I really hope you actually bothered to read all of these...

Well, what do you like, and what makes you happy? Create a list and let me see!

Just a Girl, signing off x


  1. I love Barbie life in the Dream House! I know a bunch of little girls in my family friend's family and they love all the Barbie movies. So do I! My friends think that I am really weird for it. Haha!

    1. Ahhh, I thought no one would agree! It's kind of a guilty pleasure for me... It's so stereotypical and generally thirsty but it kinda calms me idk

  2. This is really cute; I love it! I might try it on my blog! ^^

    O | Life as a Young Lady

    1. You should definitely try it! But remember to tag Brittany, it was her idea. Don't go everyone else x Phil Lester on us!! :)
      Just a Girl x


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