If I Were a Millionaire - Tag


So, this blog post is all about the 5 things I would do if I became a millionaire (prepare for highly detailed homes and obsessions) - inspired by the lovely Brittany from Hello Bubblegum Blog! I thought this idea was so cute and I just had to do it!!

1. House
Okay, I really have thought this through... I would have a 3 story mansion! It would be right on a mountain side, viewing an entire valley / city / beach. Everything would be electronically controlled, from the turning-on of my shower (through touch-screen buttons!!) to the closing of my garage door, to the heating of my pool... It would have a roof top terrace, too! Umm, I'd have a lovely and well kept GIANT garden, filled with all sorts of pink flowers, with an infinity pool! I'd have a giant bedroom with an ensuite, and the whole top floor would be mine (MWAHAHAHA) and it would be open (if that's the term??) so I can look down onto the first floor! AND! The side facing the valley / city / beach, it would just be made of glass so I can see everything!!

2.  Internet
Nothing would be right without the fastest internet EVER ok.

3. Travel
I would spend a lot of my time travelling. There's something so exciting about travel, meeting new people and discovering new cultures. A MUST!

4. Merch & Online Shopping
Now, I'm a big fan of a lot of really famous people and obviously, when you're really cool and famous you have people that actually want to wear you. I want to wear famous people stuff. And shop online. All the best stuff is online. BUT IT'S ALL SO EXPENSIVE OH MY GOSH

5. People
Self explanatory - I'd pay for things they need and donate to charity often :)

So, what would you do? Do you have goals set for when you become a millionaire, cause, I mean, we totally will, right?

Just a Girl, signing off x
p.s I'm getting a new theme soon ;) I'm really excited!!



So, I know I haven't posted in a while, but I've been a little busy and I have an exciting new theme on the way (I will not say anymore just yet :D ). And, I've been thinking; maybe I shouldn't post just about my life experiences and treat this blog like an online diary. I want to be here for you, and myself, too, but it's here so we can share and express ideas and just... hang? ~ but that's beside the point.

This blog post is all about double words. Well, not really... Have you ever talked to someone and repeated your words to add emphasis? For example...

"Hey! How was your lunch?"

"Oh, it was good, but it wasn't good-good, ya' know?"

This means that the lunch was good, but it wasn't great. So, almost amazing, but not quite. So, when a friend asks,

"Do you like-like him?"

What's your answer? Now, considering that like-like is the verge of love, and like is a school yard crush, what would you grade your crush? I, honestly, would grade my previous crushes as like-likes. They say that you can't really be in love until you've liked someone for 4 months, and to be honest I think 4 months is a little short.

See, I'm weird, like weird-weird (see what I did there?). I obsess over anime and hot boy superstars and yaoi (please research, I don't wanna have to explain *hides*) and lots of little things that no one cares about. I like to think I'm quirky, and I'm lucky to have friends that are just as quirky as me, sometimes! And that always makes me think guys will never love me :/

I did some research... A teensy bit ok WikiHow generic advice and my own and friends experience and I have created a little checklist to see if he like-like's you!

  • Body Language
He looks at you quite often, makes eye contact with you when you talk, and lifts his eyebrows. If he invades your personal space a little bit, such as leaning towards you when you chat, he is interested in you - but if he's hands on and touchy, step back. That's gross and dangerous -. Just like anyone, check for hands and feet; if they're in your direction, it's a general indication of interest. 
  • Eye Contact
So, we've already mentioned this, but there's a little more. A guy who is interested in you will try to catch your eye, or look away suddenly when you look at him. If he maintains eye contact, even after you look away, or he looks at your mouth (If you're younger this could all be weird I'm sorry) he's definitely interested!! Also, one of the biggest things to note when looking at someone, is there pupils. When you look at someone you really like, your pupils dilate, becoming larger.
  • Treatment
That subtitle makes it sound like you're sick, but you probably are if you're reading this (love sick, don't get the wrong idea!)... Try and watch if he treats you differently to the rest of your group. Does he still lean closer to them when he talks to them? Does he keep eye contact? Does he speak the same way? Noticing little things like this will help you work out whether he is into you or not. Be aware, he may flirt with other girls to get your attention.
  • Your Interests = His Interests
I'm so glad that this is a thing (*crosses fingers, toes, and eyes and everything else crossable*) If a guy notices something you're interested in, he will want to get into it too, so he will ask you things such as, "Which is the best?" "Where can I get some?" I am so glad that this is a thing! Did you read what I said earlier about anime and tumblr? Oh my, Oh my, my heart.
  • There's Lot's More!!
TBH, A lot of the information I got was from here! So read it, it's got heaps more to read.

I hope this was helpful, and if you have any questions, leave a comment or send me an email!!

Just a Girl, signing off x

Friends, Guys, and "Who Am I?"


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Maybe the holidays tied my stomach in a knot of stress, and since I hadn't seen my friends enough, I fell into a state of imagining they aren't there. But, when I got back to school, I discovered them and felt happy again.

Coming back to school in 9th Grade is like starting a new life. I know who to avoid and who to be careful with. I know how to stay on top of my school work. I know which boys I should totally crush on ( read on for more ;] ). One thing I really need to work on though... Is me.

I still feel like I'm un-cool. I know that being cool in High School isn't the most important thing in the world and you should, quote, be true to yourself. But, I'm an extremely childish, but also extremely mature, almost changing suddenly. And sometimes I'll say something weird or wrong or act a little crazy and people would get the wrong idea. I don't know, really.

What I'm trying to do is learn to do whatever I want. I can run around like a crazy when I feel like it. I can laugh really hard in class if it makes me happy. I can squeal when something frightens me. I can dance on seats at school. And I can do all of this without letting peoples thoughts get to me.

It'll take time, but trust me, one day it will happen and doing something fun will make the people who snicker suffer from FOMO.

-- Now let's get onto the more personal stuff :) --

Boys are cool. Recently, this guy I know began sitting with us more. He's funny, cute, sweet, and I've been my usual weird self around him and he laughs and he still has stuck around and he isn't mean to me! And let me tell you, that never happens...

How are you?
Just a Girl, signing off xx
p.s i just started watching an anime called deathnote (*dribble* its so good. the animation isn't very pretty but the story is very different and very lovely) bye